Best Buy and Microsoft REALLY want you to stop using Windows XP

windows xp microsoft trade in creditNo really. You HAVE to let go of Windows XP. It’s time.

Support for XP is really ending, for real, we mean it this time. You’re off the reservation, no more updates. Those who write malware will be able to find exploits to damage your system.

To ease the transition both Microsoft and Best Buy are offering up $100 trade in to give up your older XP system and move up to a shinier new system. I’m sure both companies would prefer you take the plunge on a Windows 8 machine.

Microsoft’s trade in deal is already live, and Best Buy should be unveiling theirs over the weekend. Let’s get a move on people. Windows XP is almost thirteen years old. We’ve moved on from there…

Microsoft Extending Anti-Malware Support for Windows XP through July 2015

windows_xp_logoSeriously folks. If this article is relevant to you, you desperately need to move on. No Joke.

April 8, 2014 is becoming something of a doomsday date. That’s the day official support and updates stop for Windows XP. The OS is over 12 years old now, and a shocking number of computers still run it. After that date, the more dramatic tech commentators among us are expecting calamity as holes, bugs, and exploits will no longer be fixed by Microsoft. There’s a certain expectation that waves of malware will be introduced into the ecosystem, preying on folks who probably aren’t the tech-savviest users on the net.

Microsoft is in a difficult situation. As a profit generating corporation, they genuinely need more people to update to newer software and hardware. They also have a responsibility to not allow one of their most successful products to become a malware infested zombie hulk of an operating system. It’s a scary proposition as some estimates place XP at 30% of the consumer computing market. XP by itself still outpaces OSX and Linux combined in households. Microsoft would be perfectly within their rights to hold to their current support plans, but it would leave a lot of people in the lurch.

And this brings us to the current farce of moving the goal posts. Official support is still ending in April, but now Microsoft is announcing an extension to certificates and anti-malware support through July 14, 2015. This move could backfire, providing XP users a false sense of security. It’s not particularly clear how effective anti-malware support will be on an OS receiving no updates.

And those users might be in for a shock if the upgrade now. The move from XP to Win7, they still would’ve recognized most of how the OS was organized. Now a move to Windows 8 will be more of a culture shock on first boot. It’s a testament to how good XP was that so many people continue using it, but all good things must come to an end.

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