Xiaomi 14 and an Omnivision Camera Sensor? Putting Sony on Notice!

Who would have thought we’d see an OMNIVISION camera sensor perform this well on a premium phone?

I’m kinda shocked. This company has come out of nowhere, delivering some fantastic solutions for phones recently. Xiaomi’s partnership with this sensor manufacturer is delivering capabilities I wouldn’t have expected.

We expect expensive phones to get better every year, and these kinds of feature improvements help us push cameras in more challenging conditions.

Let’s dig a little deeper into the sensor tech! Continue reading “Xiaomi 14 and an Omnivision Camera Sensor? Putting Sony on Notice!”

Xiaomi 14: The Better Smaller Premium Phone!

Xiaomi 14 is here!

The smaller phone from Xiaomi this year is a big  upgrade year over year. Top tier performance, good battery life, fast  charging, and cameras that EMBARRASS Samsung and Apple.

Let’s take a look at a little might mouse of a phone! Continue reading “Xiaomi 14: The Better Smaller Premium Phone!”

Redmi Note 13 Pro+ Review: Design Over Performance?

Redmi Note 13 Pro Plus review! This brand has a huge reputation in making great bang for buck phones, and the Note feels like a REALLY premium device. At this price tier, will someone want better build or faster performance?
Continue reading “Redmi Note 13 Pro+ Review: Design Over Performance?”

Xiaomi HyperOS Update! Where an American Tries to Figure Out What’s Different…

It kinda looks the same?

HyperOS is here on my Xiaomi 13 Ultra, and there are some big claims being made about performance and new interoperability features. Plus, AI! We NEED the AI!

Taking a quick tour around the new skin, I think the largest claims being made right now will need to be tested over a longer period of time…

Continue reading “Xiaomi HyperOS Update! Where an American Tries to Figure Out What’s Different…”

Xiaomi MASSIVE Fail! 13 Ultra Case Falling Apart! #shorts

My disappointment is immeasurable. I LOVE the 13 Ultra. I LOVE the idea of a photography case for the phone. The execution of this case is… lacking… Continue reading “Xiaomi MASSIVE Fail! 13 Ultra Case Falling Apart! #shorts”

Xiaomi 13T Pro First Look: Who is this phone for?

Xiaomi 13T PRO first impressions!

Been using the phone for a week now, and it’s a powerful pocket computer with a solid camera and FAST charging. But, in a crowded market, and with older phones still available, who is this “T” phone really for? Continue reading “Xiaomi 13T Pro First Look: Who is this phone for?”

Folding Phone Durability: Educating Consumers and Setting Expectations?

There’s a WORLD of difference between showing how a phone SHOULD work out in the field and actively trying to break that phone. If you try to break a phone, you will eventually succeed.

Torture tests are dramatic and fun to watch, but they don’t deliver much practical information to consumers. We should try to help inform consumers on what the expected “range of durability” might be for a product, not just show a dramatic failure clip.

Nowhere is this more precious right now than on folding phones.

Looking at the view counts on the videos and articles from top reviewers, we can be pretty sure those discussions are only reaching a tiny fraction of the overall smartphone buying population. Consumers are not turning to techies like they used to for education on current tech trends.

It seems more people are “taught” what to think about consumer electronics by the ads they consume from the marketing departments of the manufacturers making these products.

As companies work to make hinged phones more exciting, we should be concerned about how those phones are portrayed in advertisements. We need a “sweet spot” of lifestyle footage to help prime the correct expectations for customers. Showcasing the products in appropriate situations helps inform how those products should be used.

Manufacturer ads are a necessary resource for consumer education.

Almost every folding phone manufacturer is “doing this wrong”.

Continue reading “Folding Phone Durability: Educating Consumers and Setting Expectations?”

Did Xiaomi LIE about the 13 Ultra’s Telephoto???

Xiaomi 13 Ultra camera CONTROVERSY!
Xiaomi advertises four different focal lengths on the 13 Ultra’s rear cameras, but ONE of those lenses might not be what Xiaomi said it was…

Catch the WHOLE 58 minute review on my Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/xiaomi-13-ultra-85422302 Continue reading “Did Xiaomi LIE about the 13 Ultra’s Telephoto???”