Review: Using a Ballistic Hydra Rugged case for iPhone 5 on an iPhone 5S

ballistic hydra waterproof case iphone 5s test review somegadgetguy

There still aren’t a lot of rugged and water-proof cases built specifically for the iPhone 5S. Thankfully, the changes between the 5 and 5S aren’t so severe that you couldn’t use a 5 case on a 5S, but there will be a few compromises.

The Ballistic Hydra is ready to go! Let’s take a look at how someone might better protect their shiny, pretty iPhone from drop and water damage!

Shop for the Ballistic Hydra rugged case on Amazon.

More info on Ballistic cases at:

Using the Surface RT 2 for Podcasting and Voice Over Recording (RT not Pro)

surface 2 audio recording mobile home sound USB microphone Zoom h4n somegadgetguyIf you’re into mobile audio, field recording, voice over, or podcasting, it’s been the dream for a while. The ability to use our consumer tablets as recording solutions.

It still hasn’t come to Android. Plug a USB mic into an Android tablet, and it’ll likely power up, but Android wont know what to do with it. Microsoft might have the hardware to offer up a solution for us mobile audio junkies. Let’s take a look at how recording works on a Surface 2, and what happens to the files you create after you’re done editing.

Experts Q&A: Answering your Microsoft Questions LIVE! – Nov. 26, 8pm

windows 8 live tiles experts Q&AWe’re starting a series of round table discussions, bringing the experts to YOU! The first in our lineup will focus on Microsoft. All things Windows: phones, tablets, laptops. Watch live, and send in your questions. We’ll answer them on the air!

This will be a Hangout on Air Q&A. Link will be provided here before the broadcast goes live.

Microsoft is making big changes to the Windows ecosystem. Phones, tablets, laptops, desktops, Live Tiles are the future! If you’ve had questions about Windows gear, or were thinking of shopping something Windows 8 this holiday season, we’ll have Windows Phones, Windows RT, and Windows 8 devices on hand to answer all of your Microsoft questions! Get the full scoop from the people who know!

Tune In – Tuesday November 26 at 8pm Pacific!

And be on the lookout for future Expert Q&A’s! We”re planning them now for Android, Photography, video, audio, and many more subjects! Help us spread the word by sharing this event!

For more info:
Google Plus Event Page for Experts Q&A: Microsoft!

Weekly Tech Round Table Nov 23 – XBox Launch, Nokia 1520 & 2520, and Moto X get’s KitKat

booredatwork roundtableTime for our weekly tech round table discussion with Boored at Work, BWOne, Mobile Burn, and yours truly.

We have a spirited discussion each week talking out (sometimes debating) the top tech news stories. You can watch live each Saturday at 11:30am Eastern, but if you miss it it’s recorded directly to Youtube for posterity. This week we tackle XBox One, new Nokia gear, and Moto X getting KitKat!

It’s Funny Because It’s Sad, Sad Because It’s True – “I Forgot My Phone” on Youtube

i lost my phoneOver 30 million views on Youtube. CharstarleneTV has certainly tapped into a fear many of us tech-heads have contemplated.

We’re already living in a dystopian future.

At once tongue in cheek and instantly maudlin, because it’s completely recognizable.

App Review: Nokia Refocus for Windows Phone – Shoot first THEN make sure your subject is in focus!

nokia refocus logoLike something out of a bad CSI re-run:

“Zoom into that flower. Enhance. See if you can clean up that focus.”

It’s a trip that we can now do things kinda like that. Refocus turns your Lumia into a Lytro style camera. Hold your camera steady for a couple seconds as the camera scans a scene, and then you can choose what to focus on later. We’re now officially living in the future.

Let’s take a look!

Refocus on the Windows App Store.

Here’s an example of how Refocus works. The flower pic I showed in the video can be embedded, allowing you to play with the focus points in a web browser.

Instagram BETA for Windows Phone vs 6Tag vs Instagram on Android! FIGHT!

instagram vs 6tag app comparison somegadgetguyIt’s finally here!

Always the ultimate tech irony, the best smartphone cameras in the world had no official native app to upload pics to the world’s most popular social photo service.

No longer. Instagram is finally officially on Windows Phone as an open BETA. Let’s see how it compares to the popular third party solution 6Tag, and what features the Android version might have that IG will have to catch up on!

Follow me on Instagram!

The most powerful Android phone? Benchmarking the LG G2.

LG G2 benchmarks optimus g pro comparisonIn Android land we care about specs. We care about them a lot. Before even handling a device, many will scrutinize things like processor, storage, and RAM to make purchasing decisions.

Here stateside, the LG G2 was one of the first phones to utilize Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 800 series processor. This is an architecture improvement over the very solid Snapdragon 600 used in phones like the HTC One and Galaxy S4. How much of an improvement? That’s what we’re going to take a look at in this video.

LG’s Optimus G Pro uses the 600 series chipset, so this obviously isn’t a competition. This is a comparison to see how improved the new processor is, so I don’t want cranky fanbois telling me how this isn’t a “fair test” or other such nonsense. We KNOW the G2 is going to win most of these. We wanna see by how much!

There are links after the jump if you want to skip to specific bench marks, or you can watch the whole battery of tests below. Let’s get to it!

Continue reading “The most powerful Android phone? Benchmarking the LG G2.”

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