Google Find My Device Updated! New Features, New Design!

Find My Device app just got a fresh coat of paint, and we’re getting a sneak peek at the new features coming soon! Here’s a quick tour around the app, and some thoughts on the new accessories Android users will get to use soon!

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We ALL Suffer When Apple Products DON’T “Just Work”

Apple needs to be held to the standard they advertise for themselves. When they slip, they should be criticized harder than any other consumer tech brand operating today. When they make mistakes, they deliver those mistakes at a scale no other brand can approach.

The potential for consumer harm from an Apple mistake is an order of magnitude higher than any other competitor, and Apple has a clear track record of trying to break standards to sell proprietary solutions for their own benefit.

Case in point: AirTags.

AirTags are a really cool idea. Continue reading “We ALL Suffer When Apple Products DON’T “Just Work””